I don't tell others what to think or what to do with regard to Airedales. But I will say what I think and what I do. I bred for the 50 lb. plus or minus 5 or 10 lb. size range because they are so quick and fast on their feet. In bigger ones you lose that quickness and I think it becomes a critical factor in their ability to deal with bear, cougar, wild hogs, or anything that can kill them. You don't want sluggers or kamikaze types. You want terrier types that, like a good middle weight fighter, can stick and move and have brains enough to know how to use quickness and tactics against superior size and strength. If at all possible you need to see how the breeding stock carries itself and moves. I want them fast, very quick on their feet, very maneuverable. I know you have a lot of horse experience. I'm thinking in Airedales you need the equivalent of a good cutting horse. You can't just rely on what breeders say about their dogs. You really do need to go look at the breeding stock yourself.
hsj, fults cove, Tennessee, 37F
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