Sunday, June 1, 2014

Checking Out for a Moment

I have a lot going on right now, a large commission piece, training dogs, grandkids out and about for the summer, training dogs, lots of overdue projects, dogs, writing some thoughts and ideas for short stories, dogs, and just taking time to enjoy life for a change. So, I just wanted to let anyone interested know that as you can see the blogging has been suffering and will continue to be slow if not completely void for a few more months. Hopefully by the end of July I will be caught up and can again begin to add content that I am satisfied with. Until then I hope every like minded free thinker that reads "Sons of Savages" has a good go at life this summer. Be safe, trust in the only "God" out there for everything and "Defend the Republic" at all costs.
Keep your dogs fed, love on the kids more than usual, and never sweat the small stuff.
The big stuff, well it can't eat you!