Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Saturday Hunt

Went down to hunt a farm where the pigs had moved in. This farmer along with 3 others had around $100,000.00 in crop damages last year. I know this because the Crop Adjuster is a life long friend of mine. This wouldn't be much of a problem if the insurance paid off every year but they can only  claim hog damage once on their policy. Anyway we got a late start and caught a good sow after about 30 minutes. I took the Stag BD, Airedale Scout, one of my yearling pups out of (Blacky and one of my Jagds) and Campo, Plott hound from Whitedeer Kennels in Texas. Had a couple Curs belonging to a friend too. We turned out and the Curs and Plott yelped showing hot scent. The Stag and Airedale drove in and they ran her about 2-3 hundred and caught her right off. My bud's back went out about then and we turned back out in the same place thinking we might of missed one but nothing. The pup was right there pulling hair, his first hog. So we called it a day as the bad back started giving a lot of trouble and I didn't want to carry him out lol. Anyway stopped back by my farmer friends place where they were building a trap, put my two scents worth in  on the design they were rigging. He said the hogs problem had really became apparent the past year and I agree. This particular area has a lot of federal land bordering it and so far they won't let us run dogs there so the hogs have a perfect scenario of food and sanctuary. Gonna be a big problem in the next few years as traps and dogs are not gonna slow the breeding down. I just smiled inside with this knowledge but I really feel for the farmers. Another example of Government saving the environment with their regulations. I have lobbied with them to open up a season for dogs during the spring planting time as the hogs will root up the seeds and pluck and eat the young shoots coming up. Another farmer in that area had to replant several hundred acres of beans last year because of the hogs. We hunt this area hard when the corn matures mostly at night to keep hem out but it is becoming futile. I don't want them to go away completely but with dogs being able to hunt on the Federal and State land it would help a bit during those times.